Will Web Development Survive the Next 10 Years?

Web development is far from dying out in the next decade. In fact, it's likely to become even more important as technology advances and the need for personalized mobile interfaces and e-commerce solutions increases. The future of web design suggests that front-end development is a field with strong job prospects and plenty of opportunities for growth. When I first started out as a web developer, responsive websites were still relatively new and cloud computing platforms like Amazon AWS were not yet commonplace.

The modern version of the role is much more complex than it used to be, but the core responsibilities remain the same. Nowadays, front-end development trends have shifted towards JavaScript frameworks, which allow designers to do more without having to wait for developers. As a web developer, you'll be working with clients to create designs and websites, and then delivering them to your client. Ten years ago, much of this would have been done by back-end developers since most of the application logic was managed on the server.

But now, designers who were previously only responsible for creating the look of a user interface can take charge of front-end development on their own. Front-end development will still involve developing user interfaces, but they won't necessarily be graphical. The increasing complexity of front-end development has led to a kind of specialization within the field; you can now find people with the same job title but with very different skills and approaches. The second type of front-end developer is responsible for the client-side logic of a web application, using JavaScript or TypeScript and probably a framework like React or Vue.

So while front-end developers may not be calling themselves UX engineers in 10 years' time, the discipline won't be dying out anytime soon. And while some front-end developers work on everything, especially in small businesses, both skill sets don't necessarily appeal to everyone. Webflow bridges the gap between design and programming by helping designers learn coding concepts naturally, making delivery to developers optional, and providing front-end developers with high-quality code. The growing technical needs of many industries also suggest that front-end development is still in high demand.

Daniel White
Daniel White

Amateur twitter geek. Amateur travel expert. Tv advocate. Wannabe bacon maven. Hipster-friendly pizza expert.