Will Web Development Survive the Test of Time?

The demand for web developers is on the rise, and the industry is growing five times faster than average over the next decade. Despite the emergence of new tools and advances in web development, the need for qualified web developers to create websites that perform better and rank higher remains. So, will web development die? The answer is a resounding No. According to Ryan Carson, founder of Code Academy, “the demand for developers will always exist.” Web development is advancing quickly, and even the most powerful website builders quickly become obsolete.

To meet the new standards, they must be constantly improved and updated with new features and functionality. When people say that web development is dying, they could actually be saying that there isn't so much money in it anymore. As new tools and advances in web development arrive, developers find it much easier to execute the basic aspects of their work. However, if something goes wrong with your website, you'll need a web developer or web designer to fix it.

Old-school static websites made of pure HTML and CSS with a dash of jQuery may be a part of web development that is in decline. But this doesn't mean that web development is dying; far from it. True full-fledged web developers are the unicorns of the industry, and programmers today tend to specialize in some particular area of web development. Technologies are always in a state of flux in web development and with every evolution comes many opportunities for developers to thrive.In fact, far from indicating that web development is dying, these platforms show how strong the industry is.

The increased complexity of projects and the emergence of new frameworks mean that the web development industry is evolving and far from dead. Many people who wonder if web development is dying may be doing so with an outdated understanding of what it is now.So do we need a web design agency and web developers to do things we can do ourselves? By thinking long term and avoiding areas of web development that are supposedly “dying”, you can get exactly what you want. These are the kinds of things that are going to be valuable, and this is the kind of thing that web developers are going to need to learn to do.

Daniel White
Daniel White

Amateur twitter geek. Amateur travel expert. Tv advocate. Wannabe bacon maven. Hipster-friendly pizza expert.